Les brèves devraient être publiées les semaines sans épisodes 😉
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Pas d’épisode enregistré cette semaine - faudra attendtre le 12/3 pour l’enregistrement du prochain épisode…
Bonne lecture !
- Google AI Blog: Introducing Model Search: An Open Source Platform for Finding Optimal ML Models via Paul Péton
Code & langages
- Distributed Services with Go: Your Guide to Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems by Travis Jeffery via Florent Ramière
- What would SQLite look like if written in Rust? — Part 0 - DEV Community via Benoit Goujon
Container et orchestration
- Introducing GKE Autopilot | Google Cloud Blog via Nicolas Steinmetz
- GKE Autopilot, with Yochay Kiriaty - #139 - Kubernetes Podcast via Nicolas Steinmetz
- Google admits Kubernetes container tech is so complex, it’s had to roll out an Autopilot feature to do it all for you via Sebastien Stormacq
- A Kubernetes User’s Guide to HashiCorp Nomad via Nicolas Steinmetz
Conférences et meetup
- Apache Flink & Pulsar Meetup - 16/17 Mars via Pierre Zemb
- BookKeeper Replication Protocol TLA+ Specification via Florent Ramière
Data Science
- Data Mesh 101: Everything You Need To Know to Get Started via Gérard G
- Semantic Data Platforms Come of Age via Gérard G
- Introducing NLPretext, a unified framework to facilitate text preprocessing vie Benoit Goujon
- Fully Explained DBScan Clustering Algorithm with Python via Gérard G
Elastic vs AWS
- Community perspectives on Elastic vs AWS (The Changelog #429) |> Changelog via Nicolas Steinmetz
- The Kafka API is great; now let’s make it fast! - Vectorized via Pierre Zemb
- redpanda/src/v/kafka/protocol/schemata at dev · vectorizedio/redpanda · GitHub via Florent Ramière
- redpanda/src/v/kafka/protocol at dev · vectorizedio/redpanda · GitHub via Florent Ramière
- GitHub - travisjeffery/jocko: Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native) via Florent Ramière
OSS & Startups
- What’s the best metric for an open-source startup? There is no one correct answer, only a holistic view works. via Pierre Zemb
Time Series
- “Towards Observability Data Management at Scale [.. at Slack] via Pierre Zemb
- TimescaleDB 2.1.0 via Nicolas Steinmetz
- TimescaleDB 2.0.2 via Nicolas Steinmetz
- Warp 10 2.7.4 via Nicolas Steinmetz
- Edge computing: Build your own IoT Platform via Nicolas Steinmetz
- Paris Time Series Meetup devient Time Series France via Nicolas Steinmetz
- Talend cherche un Engineeering Manager Big Data à Nantes
- EZako cherche un développeur PHP/Laravel - ReactJS - SQL pour travailler sur des problématiques AI et Séries Temporelles (timeseries)
Pour participer aux échanges, rejoignez-nous !