Un épisode de news enregistré le 09/04/21.
Rubrique de l’indien
Originally established by the 21-member Apache Group, who oversaw the then-3-year-old Apache HTTP Server, the ASF today is the world’s largest, vendor-neutral, Open Source foundation, comprising 800+ individual Members, 8,100+ Committers, and 40,000+ code contributors located on every continent. Conservatively valued at more than $22B, Apache’s 350+ projects and 37 incubating podlings are all freely-available to the public-at-large, at 100% no cost, and with no licensing fees.
Big Data
- Apache Flink 1.12.2 released
- Apache NiFi 1.13.1 released
- Apache Avro 1.10.2 released
- Apache Qpid JMS 0.57.0 released
- Apache Parquet-mr 1.12.0 released
- Apache Druid 0.20.2 released
- Apache Druid CVE-2021-26919: Authenticated users can execute arbitrary code from malicious MySQL database systems
- Apache Jackrabbit 2.14.9 released
- Apache PDFBox 2.0.23 released
- Apache PDFBox CVE-2021-27807: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an infinite loop while loading the file and CVE-2021-27906: A carefully crafted PDF file can trigger an OutOfMemory-Exception while loading the file
- Apache Tika 1.26 released
- Apache Tika CVE-2021-28657: Infinite loop in MP3 parser
Web Conferencing
- Apache OpenMeetings 6.0.0 released
- Apache OpenMeetings CVE-2021-27576: Bandwidth can be overloaded with public web service
Application Servers/Middleware
Enterprise Processes Automation / ERP
- Apache OFBiz 17.12.06 released
- Apache OFBiz CVE-2021-26295: RCE vulnerability due to Java serialization using RMI
K8S & co
- Introducing GKE Autopilot: a revolution in managed Kubernetes
- nerdctl
- Docker compose avec Nicolas De Loof
- Apache Mesos to be moved to Attic
- VOTE - Move Apache Mesos to Attic
- Kubernetes 1.21: Power to the Community
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe
- Requirements for running K8ssandra for development
- “Exactly once writes” avec la “writing storage api” de bigquery
- SQL Server OPENJSON – Map JSON to a relational table
- Partition an existing table on PostgreSQL
- The Ultimate Guide to Password Hashing in Okta
- DbaaS : DataStax met Cassandra au régime serverless
- Microsoft Azure expands its NoSQL portfolio with Managed Instances for Apache Cassandra
Vie privée & RGPD
- Nouvelles règles pour les cookies et autres traceurs : bilan de l’accompagnement de la CNIL et actions à venir
- Incendie OVH : faut-il notifier la CNIL ?
Data platforms
Jeu Concours
Pour venir apporter votre réponse à la question posée par Vincent - rejoignez le slack !
- Vincent : @vhe74, Affini-Tech et Datatask
- Nicolas: @nsteinmetz, CerenIT, Time Series France
- Jérôme : @jxerome et Zeenea
- Alexander : @alexanderdeja
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Le générique a été composé et réalisé par Maxence Lecointe.