Episode 81 : La vie est faite de choix surtout quand on traite de la data

27/08/2019    fb azure hadoop bigquery mapr 

Updated Microsoft licensing terms for dedicated hosted cloud services

Microsoft hikes cost of licensing its software on rival public clouds, introduces Azure ‘Dedicated’ Hosts

Microsoft Screws Customers and its Own Advocates Alike

It’s official: Deploying Facebook’s ‘Like’ button on your website makes you a joint data slurper

How Elizabeth Warren Came Up with a Plan to Break Up Big Tech

Building petabyte-scale analytics with BigQuery and HLL

HyperLogLog ?

Support Apache Arrow dans l’API Bigquery storage

Operational Analytics: What every software engineer should know about low-latency queries on large data sets

Announcing PartiQL: One query language for all your data

YuniKorn: a universal resources scheduler

Is Apache Hadoop still relevant?

HPE + MapR : trop de Hadoop, pas assez de cloud - Le Monde Informatique

Rejoignez le Slack du Bigdata Hebdo



Vincent : https://twitter.com/vhe74

Nicolas : https://www.cerenit.fr/ et http://nicolas.steinmetz.fr/

Cette publication est sponsorisée par Affini-Tech ( http://affini-tech.com https://twitter.com/affinitech )

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small-data smalldata solr spring sql-server ssh stack-overflow starburst starbust stargate state statefulset streamnative système-distribué tabular telegraf tempo test thales thematique timestream uber usa vault vectordb velero vitess voltron warpstudio wasm wifi zig 2017 accenture actors actu acv adoptium adoptopenjdk aeure agi agrocd akami akhp akka alerts alibaba alloydb allydb almalinux amado analyse android angular anniversaire anomalie anomaly-detection anthropic apache-arrow apache-druid apache-pinot apache-yunikorn apachespark arcadedb archive archlinux argo-cd articdb assembly astria astro astronomer atlas audacity augly aurads auth0 authentication authorization authz automatisation automerge autopilot avanade aws-summit back-market backblaze backup ballisa bash berkeleydb bert bgp biais biscuit bitcoin bleu bnp bodywork bootstrap bpi bpifrance broadcom business calcite calvin cap-theorem carbondata carrefour castordoc cdn celery ceph ceresdb cgroups chaosdb chiffrement cicd classification clevercloud cli clockhouse cloudact cluster-api clusterset cobol code-whisperer codecov codeurs-en-seine collecte colossus comptabilité conduktor conference conseil consensus consul-connect container conteneurs cookies cortex coscreen course-au-large covid-19 cpu craftsmanship criteo crux crypto cryptomonnaie csi csv cuda cue culture cybersécurité d1 dall-e dalle dashboard dask data-discovery data-gouvernance data-ops data-platform data-prep data-vault data-wrangling datacatalog datacenter dataform dataframes datafusion datagouvernance datahub datakin datalakehouse datamodeling dataops.rocks datapreparation datasearch datasketches dbscan ddos debezium delos devfest-lille dewitt diagram diagrams digital direct distinct distributed distributed-systems django dlt docker-desktop dockershim documentdb dolt dragonfly drift driftctl drill ebs echantillonage echart ecs egress entreprise entreprise4.0 epyc erlang eurybia evidence exadata expert-comptable explicabilité exploration 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rapport-gauvain re-invent readme readyset reapder recommendation redash redhat reed-salomon reinvent replibyte retention-policy revue rhel ribbon-filter riscv roblox rockset rockylinux rondb rpgd rppd rsync rtc rust-vmm salaire salon santé satellite scikitlearn scrapping security.txt segmentation select server-less service service-mesh servicediscovery servicemesh shapash shapsh shard shards shotover simulation singer slideshare snapash snapshot snoflake snowpark software souveraineté-numérique sowflake splunk spot sqlmesh sre srecon stable starlight startree startup statistiques steamsets streams sudo suisse supply-chain-attack suse syntec sysdig tanzu tar tdengine teads tech terality tesla text2speech the-last-pickle theseus thoughtworks thématique tiered-storage tigerbeetle tigergraph tigris tika tla+ tls tomcat tpc transformation trasnformers trifacta trinot tsfr twitter u-sql ua-parser-js ubeeko udap udf ui unikernel union-européenne upsert usage usb vc vectodb vectorized vertex vie-privée vm vmware voile voilà voix warehouse warp.dev wasi web web-components webassembly webassmelby wikimedia workflow ydb yelp youtube zanzibar zeenea zepl zeppelin zevent zstd éthique


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Le podcast est sponsorisé par Affini-Tech et CérénIT

À compter de l'épisode 104, le générique a été composé et réalisé par Maxence Lecointe

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