Quelques news
Google May Buy Salesforce To Help Bolster Its Cloud Business https://www.webpronews.com/google-may-buy-salesforce/
The Apache Software Foundation Blog
- Apache Libcloud 2.7.0 released http://libcloud.apache.org/
- Apache Libcloud 2.8.0 released https://libcloud.apache.org/
- Apache TVM (Incubating) 0.6.0 released https://tvm.apache.org/
- Apache Druid (incubating) 0.16.1 released http://druid.apache.org/
- Apache HBase 2.1.8 released http://hbase.apache.org/
- Apache Kafka 2.4.0 released http://kafka.apache.org/
- Apache Hivemall (Incubating) 0.6.0 released http://hivemall.incubator.apache.org/
- Apache Kylin 3.0.0 released http://kylin.apache.org
- Apache Geode 1.11.0 released https://geode.apache.org/
- Apache Drill 1.17.0 released https://drill.apache.org/
- Apache® SINGA™ as a Top-Level Project http://singa.apache.org/
Apache in 2019 by the numbers
Suite de la FAQ de NOEL (Décembre 2019)
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